We at Marqcom, Inc. believe that helping teachers and administrators develop the skills they need to succeed in today's present school environment can only be achieved through the process of mentoring and coaching. The model for mentor/coaching, developed by Marqcom, centers on the use of a standard template. Our templates assure quality implementation of our processes by establishing common expectations, creating a common language, and providing teachers and administrators with a standard process for classroom observations. Our processes are research based and tested in actual classrooms and schools across the nation.
The two recipe books which are now available along with the training are:
Book One: "The Process of Teaching"
This book deals with the research on teaching and correlates with all of the teacher evaluation systems in use today. The training requires three hours and follows a well structured agenda. The primary intent for this training is to provide the participants with a strategic process, which will increase student engagement by as much as twenty percent across an entire campus.
The mentor/coaching process is done over three seperate days. The coach and administrators use the standard template to conduct actual classroom visits. The coach uses the experiences from the visits to show the administrators how the template allows them to perform a quality five-minute classroom observation. The coach further explains how the information in Book One provides them with the necessary tools for assisting teachers in improving student engagement. What we at Marqcom, Inc. would like to see as the culminating event for the mentor/coaching process is the administrators conducting our workshop with their teachers.
Book Two: "Thinking Across the Curriculum"
This book deals with a process that eliminates skill fragmentation and moves skills development to a holistic approach. It centers on getting the teacher to understand how skills exist in every curriculum all day long. The research for this process can be found in the work published by the National Reading Panel. Part of the workshop for the training includes an actual demonstration of the process with students.
The mentor/coaching for this training is done over a period of three seperate days. During this time the teachers use the process in their classrooms with their students while the coach observes. The coach will provide each teacher with individual feedback about their progress. The intent of the entire process is to improve students' cognitive abilities, thus improving their test scores through the regular classroom curriculum.
Future recipe books on other educational issues are in the process of being written. Each of our recipe books are priced at $19.95 each.